Burn Day Status

Feb 19. Burn Permits Required.





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Marine Engine Repower Grants

Information updated February 13, 2024. 

The Marine Program is Currently Open and has approximately $187,115 in funding for projects remaining. 

The APCD’s Carl Moyer Incentive Program provides funding to help pay for projects that reduce heavy-duty diesel engine emissions prior to any regulatory requirement. Applicants wishing to repower commercial harbor craft with engines meeting the current emission standards may qualify for grants of up to 65% of the eligible costs of the new engine, subject to cost effectiveness limits and other requirements of the program, and a $300,000 per-grantee cap. Additional funding was recently authorized by the APCD Board of Directors and there is currently in excess of $300,000 available for this program. Interested parties should complete a Marine Engine Repower Application (link below).

Applications or questions about the program should be directed to APCD Grant Staff (805) 781-5912.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) recently approved amendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) Regulation that will require all vessels, including commercial fishing vessels, to meet emission standards via engine replacement and/or exhaust aftertreatment. Read more about the regulation here: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/commercial-harbor-craft

Projects are subject to grant guidelines, including:

  • Vessels operating 100% of the time in commercial fishing activities have more funding opportunities, because they have fewer restrictions in the CARB Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) Regulation.
  • Grant opportunities and potential award amounts are limited by the CHC Regulation emission and engine replacement requirements, and  projects must be completed at least 1 year in advance of any emission-reduction requirements of the Regulation.
  • The CARB CHC Regulation requires that all vessels submit an initial report to CARB by February 28, 2009 and maintain records for each vessel engine.  If you have not yet registered your vessel, visit www.arb.ca.gov/ports/marinevess/harborcraft/reporting.htm for details.  A copy of your initial report must be submitted to complete your grant application.
  • Hull and Machinery insurance is no longer required for APCD grants.

A Carl Moyer Program Overview, application materials and program support material are provided below:

Program Overview (4 pages)

Marine Engine Repower Application

Frequently Asked Questions

List of Approved Dealers and Salvage Yards

Please contact us at 805-781-5912 with any questions regarding this program.