Burn Day Status

Dec 13-16- AG burning only, backyard burning still closed.





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Wood Stoves

Fireplaces and wood stoves are cozy and comforting but they can cause serious air pollution problems if they aren't used efficiently. In our north county areas, higher levels of particulates (small airborne particles like soot) are often measured during the months of December to March when residential wood burning is common. Smoke from woodstoves and fireplaces contain many different air pollutants, including particulate matter (fine solid or liquid particles), carbon monoxide, and organic gases, which can be produced at unhealthy levels both inside and outside of our homes. Studies show that these pollutants can cause respiratory problems, cardiovascular disease and cancer. They also contribute to reduced visibility in our atmosphere, and harm soil, agricultural crops and other vegetation.

In 2020 EPAs New Source Performance Standard emission limit for new room heaters (wood stoves) was lowered to 2.0 grams per hour if tested with crib wood, or 2.5 grams per hour if tested with cord wood. 

Looking to install something new? See if you wood stove (wood or pellet) is certified for install, click here. To look up based on a manufacturer and model, click here.

Interested in changing out your old woodstove or fireplace? Check out our grant funding opportuties we have available - you can even get funding for an electric heat pump - click here

For more information on general wood stove eductation, click here

SLO County APCD Woodburning Tips & Etiquette, click here

The District Rule

The Residential Wood Combustion Rule (Rule 504) was adopted by the APCD Board in 1993 to reduce emissions from incomplete combustion of wood in residential wood stoves and fireplaces throughout the county.  The requirements of the rule are as follows:

  • Applies to any person in SLO County who owns, operates, installs, builds, inspects, sells or offers for sale a wood burning device for any dwelling unit. 

  • Only District approved devices are allowed in new or existing/remodeled dwelling units. 

  • Woodburning devices classified as antique or having historical significance, woodburning cookstoves, furnaces and boilers are exempt from the rule.

  • Woodburning devices in existing homes are not affected by the rule, and there are no conditions placed on continued use of those devices upon the sale of an existing home.

  • Used woodburning devices which do not meet the established emission limits may not be resold within the county.

  • Retailers will be required to distribute literature containing clean burning tips and other relevant information with each sale of a woodburning device.

  • A voluntary curtailment program may be implemented by the District in which residents are asked not to burn on days where pollution levels are predicted to be high. 

Contact us for more information on the local San Luis Obispo County woodstove requirements. Contact your local woodstove vendor for more information on available devices.