Burn Day Status

Feb 19. Burn Permits Required.





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APCD Rules

Rules Under Review

No rules under review at this time. 

Regulation I - General

Rule 101 - Title
Rule 103 - Conflicts Between District, State and Federal Rules
Rule 105 - Definitions
Rule 106 - Standard Conditions
Rule 107 - Breakdown or Upset Conditions and Emergency Variances
Rule 108 - Severability
Rule 109 - Particular Controls Not Required
Rule 110 - Notice to Comply
Rule 111 - Arrests and Notices to Appear (repealed 3/26/2003)
Rule 112 - Public Availability of Information
Rule 113 - Continuous Emissions Monitoring 

Regulation II - Permits

Rule 201 - Equipment Not Requiring A Permit
Rule 202 - Permits
Rule 203 - Applications
Rule 204 - Requirements
Rule 205 - Action on Application - Time Limits
Rule 206 - Conditional Approval
Rule 207 - Denial of Applications
Rule 208 - Appeals
Rule 209 - Provision for Sampling and Testing Facilities
Rule 210 - Periodic Inspection, Testing and Renewal of Permits to Operate
Rule 211 - Emission Banking
Rule 212 - Community Bank
Rule 213 - Calculations
Rule 214 - Notification
Rule 215 - Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Air Regulations
Rule 216 - Federal Part 70 Permits
Rule 217 - Federal Part 72 Permits
Rule 218 - Federal Requirements for Hazardous Air Pollutants
Rule 219 - Toxics New Source Review
Rule 220 - Federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Rule 221 - Federal Part 70 Potential to Emit Limitations
Rule 222 - Federal Emission Statement
Rule 223 - Power Plants
Rule 224 - Federal Requirements for New and Modified Major Sources in Non-Attainment Areas
Rule 250 - Registration of Agricultural Diesel Engines

Regulation III - Fees

Rule 301 – Fees
Rule 302 – Schedule of Fees
Rule 302 – Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Fee Rate Schedule
Rule 303 – Hearing Board Fees
Rule 304 – Technical Reports – Charges For
Rule 305 – Fees for Major Non-Vehicular Sources
Rule 306 – Fees for Voluntary Emission Reduction Credit (Emission Banking)
Rule 307 – Fees for Solid Waste Disposal Site Assessment
Rule 308 – Fees for Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Program


Regulation IV - Source Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions

Rule 401 – Visible Emissions
Rule 402 - Nuisance
Rule 403 – Particulate Matter Emission Standards
Rule 404 – Sulfur Compounds Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions
Rule 405 – Nitrogen Oxides Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions
Rule 406 – Carbon Monoxide Emission Standards and Limitations
Rule 407 – Organic Material Emission Standards
Rule 409 – Orchard or Citrus Grove Heater
Rule 410 – Reduction of Animal Matter
Rule 411 – Surface Coating of Metal Parts and Products
Rule 412 – Airborne Toxic Control Measures
Rule 413 – Hexavalent Chromium in Cooling Towers
Rule 414 – Ethylene Oxide Sterilization and Aeration
Rule 415 – Dry Cleaning Solvents
Rule 416 – Degreasing Operations
Rule 417 – Control of Fugitive Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds
Rule 418 – Asbestos-Containing Serpentine (repealed)
Rule 419 – Petroleum Pits, Ponds, Sumps, Well Cellars, and Wastewater Separators
Rule 420 – Cutback Asphalt Paving Materials
Rule 422 – Refinery Process Turnarounds
Rule 423 – Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Coating Operations
Rule 424 – Storage and Transfer of Gasoline
Rule 425 – Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds
Rule 426 – Landfill Gas Emissions
Rule 427 – Marine Tanker Loading
Rule 428 – Control of Oxides of Nitrogen From Gas-Fired Residential Water Heaters and Furnaces
Rule 429 – Oxides of Nitrogen and Carbon Monoxide Emissions From Electric Utility Boilers
Rule 430 – Control of Oxides of Nitrogen from Industrial, Institutional, Commercial Boilers, Steam Generators and Process Heaters
Rule 431 – Stationary Internal Combustion Engines
Rule 432 – Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Operations
Rule 433 – Architectural Coatings
Rule 440 – Petroleum Coke Calcining and Storage Operations

Regulation V - Burning Provisions, Limitations and Prohibitions

Rule 501 – General Burning Provisions
Rule 502 – Agricultural and Prescribed Burning
Rule 503 – Incinerator Burning
Rule 504 – Residential Wood Combustion

Regulation VI - New Source Performance Standards

Rule 601 – New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)

Regulation VII - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

Rule 701 – National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS)

Regulation VIII - Procedure Before the Hearing Board

Rule 801 – General
Rule 802 – Filing Petitions
Rule 803 – Contents and Format of Petitions
Rule 804 – Petitions for Variance
Rule 805 – Appeal from Denial
Rule 806 – Failure to Comply with Rules
Rule 807 – Notice of Hearing
Rule 808 – Place of Hearing
Rule 809 – Pleadings
Rule 810 – Dismissal of Petition
Rule 811 – Preliminary Matters
Rule 812 – Evidence
Rule 813 – Official Notice
Rule 814 – Continuances
Rule 815 – Decision
Rule 816 – Effective Date of Decision
Rule 817 – Increments of Progress

Regulation X - Coastal Dunes Dust Control Requirements

Rule 1001 – Coastal Dunes Dust Control Requirements