Burn Day Status

Jan 24 - Backyard Burn Season Is Now Open





Protecting Our Blue Skies For A Healthy Community
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South County Air Quality
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Clean Air Plan

As part of the California Clean Air Act, the APCD is required to develop a plan to achieve and maintain the state ozone standard by the earliest practicable date. The Clean Air Plan (CAP) outlines the District's strategies to reduce ozone precursor emissions from a wide variety of stationary and mobile sources. The 2001 CAP was adopted by the Air Pollution Control Board at their hearing on March 26, 2002. The 2001 CAP is available for download either as the entire document or broken into individual chapters.

Document Format
2001 Clean Air Plan (6,403 kb) PDF
Cover, Table of Contents, etc. PDF
Executive Summary PDF
Chapter 1: Introduction PDF
Chapter 2: Planning Area and Air Basin Description PDF
Chapter 3: Existing Air Quality PDF
Chapter 4: 1991 Reference Year Emissions Inventory PDF
Chapter 5: Stationary Source Control Program PDF
Chapter 6: Transportation and Land Use Management Strategies PDF
Chapter 7: Emission Forecasts PDF
Chapter 8: Plan Implementation PDF
Chapter 9: Public Information and Education PDF
Appendix A: Baseyear Emissions Inventory Request
Appendix B: Forecast Emissions Inventory Request
Appendix C: Stationary Source Control Measures Request
Appendix D: Transportation Control Measures PDF
Appendix E: Land Use and Circulation Management Strategies PDF

2050 Regional Growth Forecast population data should be used in place of population projections provided in the 2001 Clean Air Plan. Use medium scenario figures 116 and 118. 

A hard copy of the 2001 CAP and/or the Appendices is available upon request to the District.

Ozone Emergency Episode Plan

The San Luis Obispo County Ozone Emergency Episode Plan provides the basis for taking actions when ambient ozone concentrations reach a level that could endanger public health in San Luis Obispo (SLO) County. It identifies criteria for the four levels of emergency episodes and related components for public announcements whenever an episode has been identified.  This document will be incorporated into the California Infrastructure State Implementation Plan (I-SIP). 


PM Report

In 2003, the California Legislature enacted Senate Bill 656 (Sher), to reduce public exposure to particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5 collectively referred to as PM). SB 656 required the California Air Resource Board (ARB) in consultation with local air pollution control districts, to develop and adopt a list of PM reduction strategies.

San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District Board adopted the PM Report and associated control measures in July 2005.