Burn Day Status

Feb 19. Burn Permits Required.





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Transportation Alternatives

Save our air...Rideshare!

This page provides a summary of information on the San Luis Obispo County Transportation Choices Program.

There are many options for getting around town and going to work other than driving alone. Walking, biking, taking the bus, carpooling, vanpooling, skateboarding, and roller-blading are all forms of transportation.

What is the Transportation Choices Program?

The Transportation Choices Program (TCP) is a free program offered to businesses and organizations throughout San Luis Obispo County that choose to encourage employees to use of alternative transportation. The goal of the Transportation Choices Program is to provide employers with the tools they need to encourage a change in employee commuting habits.

As TCP partners, Ride-On, Cal PolyFun RideSLO County Bike CoalitionSLORTASLO TransitSan Luis Obispo Regional Rideshare (SLO Rideshare) and the Air Pollution Control District (APCD), believe there is a need to change the ways we commute. A simple look to the Los Angeles areas illustrates how a huge highway infrastructure has done little to reduce or eliminate major traffic congestion. With your help we can preserve our air quality and minimize traffic congestion in SLO County.

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