Burn Day Status

Jan 24 - Backyard Burn Season Is Now Open





Protecting Our Blue Skies For A Healthy Community
Compliance & Customer Assistance
South County Air Quality
Burn Program Assistance & Alternatives
Grant Funding & Business Assistance
Air Quality In Your Neighborhood
Clean Fuels & Transportation Alternatives
Teacher & Student Resources


Permit Fees

Permit fees cover our cost to review applications, issue permits, and ensure compliance. Different fees apply to different types of permits and equipment. Most fees are based on either the hourly billing rate or the permit renewal factor, both of which may be adjusted for inflation annually. The different fee types are described below:

  • Application Filing Fee: This is a flat fee which covers the initial review of your ATC or PTO application to determine if all required information has been provided.
  • Evaluation Fee: This fee is based on the time and resources expended to evaluate your ATC or PTO application to determine if your project meets all local, state, and federal requirements. For first-time PTOs, an initial permit fee equivalent to the periodic renewal fee is also charged. That initial fee may be waived for qualifying small businesses (ask for an Initial Operating Fee Waiver form).
  • Renewal Fee: For most businesses, your permit is renewed every year and updated as needed. A renewal fee is charged based on the number and type of equipment. This fee covers the permit review and annual inspections. Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Rule 302 Fee Rate Table
  • Penalty Fee: Should you install equipment without contacting the APCD and are later found to be without the required PTO, a penalty fee may be assessed.

For more information on permits, call (805) 781-5912 and ask for the Engineering Division or contact us.