Burn Day Status

Jan 24 - Backyard Burn Season Is Now Open





Protecting Our Blue Skies For A Healthy Community
Compliance & Customer Assistance
South County Air Quality
Burn Program Assistance & Alternatives
Grant Funding & Business Assistance
Air Quality In Your Neighborhood
Clean Fuels & Transportation Alternatives
Teacher & Student Resources

Air Quality Complaints

Air Pollution Complaints are about:

  • Odors, dust, smoke and other chemical air pollutants from industrial plants, factories or neighborhood businesses;
  • Gas station leaking or malfunctioning equipment;
  • Idling diesels - commercial trucks, transit buses or school buses;
  • Excessive smoke impacting your breathing from agricultural fires, backyard burns or wood burning appliances.

What do I Report?

  • When recording a complaint during non-business hours, please leave a clear description of your complaint, your name, address, and phone number. Other very important information for the District includes:
    • Date and time the problem was detected and duration of problem
    • Location where you were when you detected the problem
    • Wind direction and strength of wind
    • Descriptions of other events which seem related to the problem
    • Source of the problem

3 Ways for Reporting Air Pollution Complaints 24 Hours a Day:

What does the APCD do with my Complaint?

  • Every complaint received is investigated.
  • If warranted, the inspector or staff member may go directly to the suspected source of the problem to investigate and seek resolution of the problem. In some cases, for example, with complaints from a new area or when the cause is unknown, an inspector or staff member may go to the complainant's location. Investigation may result in enforcement action by the District against a source.
  • If a violation of air pollution rules or regulations is discovered during the complaint investigation, an inspector will take appropriate action. This may result in the issuance of a Notice of Violation or other enforcement action. In any case, the District will seek corrective action.
  • The District tries to contact all complainants unless they request otherwise; results of the complaint investigation is given over the phone. The names and addresses of complaints are confidential and are divulged to no one but District staff, except where required in litigated matters. Complaints are never solicited by District personnel.