Burn Day Status

Jan 24 - Backyard Burn Season Is Now Open





Protecting Our Blue Skies For A Healthy Community
Compliance & Customer Assistance
South County Air Quality
Burn Program Assistance & Alternatives
Grant Funding & Business Assistance
Air Quality In Your Neighborhood
Clean Fuels & Transportation Alternatives
Teacher & Student Resources

50 Years of SLO County APCD

50 Years of Protecting Public Health & Air Quality 

This year, SLO County APCD is celebrating 50 years of protecting public health and air quality here in San Luis Obispo County! The 1970 Clean Air Act authorized the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to protect public health and the environment. From that, 35 local air pollution control districts were formed in California to support the community by addressing air pollution at the local level. Since then, the SLO County APCD has continued to implement industry and land use emission reduction strategies, grant programs, air quality monitoring while keeping the public updated and aware of the air quality in SLO County! To highlight air quality achievements over the last 50 years, we developed a website to show accomplishments in air quality, highlight special stories from staff, photos from the past and a little insight into how we got to where we are today!