Burn Day Status

Dec 13-16- AG burning only, backyard burning still closed.





Protecting Our Blue Skies For A Healthy Community
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South County Air Quality
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Air Quality In Your Neighborhood
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Your Forecast Zone

The Air District maintains a rolling six day forecast available on our Today's Air Quality web page. You can a link to this page at the top of the right side navigation menu.

The forecast page includes a map of eight forecast regions displaying today's forecasted Air Quality Index (AQI). The page also includes a six day forecast for the eight regions. A discussion of the forecast follows the table. At the bottom of the page are links to more information.

To view air quality data using AIRNow, enter the zip code for your location as listed in the table below.

Sign Up to Have the Daily Air Quality Conditions and Air Quality Forecast Emailed to You

Sign up to receive the daily air quality forecast via email by going to the EPA Enviroflash website and entering the zipcode for your nearest air monitoring station, as listed in the table below.

For your reference, all of the communities are linked to specific montioring stations that correspond to the forecast zone. To see the current air quality or the 6-day forecast for the monitoring station your community is associated with, click here.  If you live in South County and would like to further determine where your home is within the forecast zones, we have developed a map to help you do this, click here

The map below can be viewed full screen by clicking the brackets in the far right of the gray bar. The polygons are associated with the various monitoring stations and you can see descriptions of the included communities by clicking on each polygon. You can see the name of the monitoring stations by clicking the dark pink indicator dots. 


Community/School Air Monitor Associated with the Community Zip Code of Associated Monitor (use this zipcode on AirNow)
Arroyo Grande (Central) San Luis Obispo 93401
Arroyo Grande High School San Luis Obispo 93401
Atascadero Atascadero 93422
Avila Beach San Luis Obispo 93401
Baywood Park Morro Bay 93442
Blacklake Golf Course Nipomo NRP 93444
California Valley Carrizo Plains 93453
Cambria Morro Bay 93442
Carrizo Plains Carrizo Plains 93453
Cayucos Morro Bay 93442
Cholame Red Hills 93461
Creston Atascadero 93422
Cuyama Valley Carrizo Plains 93453
Cypress Ridge Nipomo NRP 93444
Dana Elementary Nipomo NRP 93444
Dorothea Lange Elementary Nipomo Mesa 2 93444
Eastern SLO County Mountains Red Hills 93461
Edna San Luis Obispo 93401
Garden Farms Atascadero 93422
Grover Beach San Luis Obispo 93401
Harmony Morro Bay 93442
Heritage Ranch Paso Robles 93446
Huasna San Luis Obispo 93401
Jardine Paso Robles 93446
Los Osos Morro Bay 93442
Lopez High School Nipomo Mesa 2 93444
Mesa Middle School San Luis Obispo 93444
Morro Bay Morro Bay 93442
Nipomo (Central) Nipomo NRP 93444
Nipomo Elementary Nipomo NRP 93444
Nipomo High School San Luis Obispo 93420
Nipomo Regional Park Nipomo NRP 93444
Nipomo Mesa (AG zip code - along Hwy 1 between Callendar Road & Calle Bendita) Nipomo CDF 93444
Oceano (Central) San Luis Obispo 93401
Oceano Elementary San Luis Obispo 93401
Oceano Dunes State Park/SVRA Nipomo CDF 93444
Oceano (see map for more detail) Nipomo NRP  
Oceano (Pier Ave & Strand Way) Nipomo Mesa 2 93444
Paso Robles Paso Robles 93446
Pismo Beach San Luis Obispo 93401
Port San Luis San Luis Obispo 93401
Red Hills Red Hills 93461
San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo 93401
San Miguel Paso Robles 93446
San Simeon Morro Bay 93442
Santa Margarita Atascadero 93422
Shandon Paso Robles 93446
Shell Beach San Luis Obispo 93401
Southeast SLO County Valleys Carrizo Plains 93453
Templeton Paso Robles 93446
Trilogy/Woodlands Nipomo Mesa 2 93444
Whitley Gardens Paso Robles 93446