Burn Day Status

Jan 24 - Backyard Burn Season Is Now Open





Protecting Our Blue Skies For A Healthy Community
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South County Air Quality
Burn Program Assistance & Alternatives
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Land Use Screening Checklist

Projects associated with any of the following may require an air quality/greenhouse gas assessment, mitigation, and APCD Review.

Note: More details are provided here: www.slocleanair.org/rules-regulations/land-use-ceqa.php.

  1. Policy documents that will affect transportation or air quality/greenhouse gas emissions
  2. Large projects – please see the Large Project Screening Table below
  3. Concerning projects including:
  • Sites that may need remediation for hydrocarbon contamination
  • Industrial facility that will be decommissioned
  • Those with significant operational phase diesel truck activity (e.g. warehouse, distribution center, truck stop, quarry, etc. with 100 truck trips or more per day)
  • Incompatible mix of land uses, such as the placement of residential units near gasoline stations, nail salons, coffee roasters, paint and spray operations, cannabis processing or masking etc.
  • Construction of a new school or construction activities with 1,000 feet of an existing school
  • New development of sensitive receptors  within 500 feet of Highway 101 or railroads (4)
  • Projects whose operation have the potential to emit toxic or hazardous air pollutants and are located within 1,000’ of sensitive receptors
  • Equestrian or campground facilities within 1,000’ of sensitive receptors
  • Wineries and all facilities with special events that are accessed by unpaved roads or driveways
  • Parcel subdivisions that are outside of Urban or Village Reserve Lines in which subdivisions will be less than 20-acres

Land Use Screening Tool

SLO County APCD has also developed a Microsoft Excel tool that will analyze both single land use and mixed land use projects. The user will enter the project’s operational year and the size of the project’s land use components to determine if the overall project emissions are of a scale that may be considered significant. For single or mixed land use projects that do not screen out, the project should be evaluated using CalEEMod.

The tool is available here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cgY9AYizAfFKM0_VO8s6qob4t9Cn0JjITZWQZzOWnHg/copy?usp=sharing

(4)   Sensitive receptor locations include schools, parks and playgrounds, day care centers, nursing homes, hospitals, and residential dwelling unit(s).