Burn Day Status

Feb 19. Burn Permits Required.





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Frequently Asked Questions for Ag Burning

1. How do I determine how much my piles weigh? 

For common agricultural wastes, such as grape vines and orchard trimmings, the following formulas can be used for estimating tonnage: 

Rectangular Piles: 10 ft. wide x 10 ft. long x 6 ft. high ~ 4 tons of material

Round Piles: 15 ft. diameter x 10 ft. high ~ 4 tons of material

Please use this information as a basis for determining estimated total tonnage. Multiply the number of piles of the size noted above by 4 tons for total tonnage. 

2. What material is illegal to burn?

It is illegal to burn the following materials: 

RUBBER - sponge, fabric, tires, etc.
PLASTIC - drip tape, containers, objects, films, floor covering, synthetic fibers, etc.
TAR or CREOSOTE -impregnated paper, shingles, wood, etc.
TRASH - household rubbish, treated lumber, metal
HYDROCARBONS - diesel fuel, gasoline, oil, grease, solvent, paint, or items heavily coated with these.
CANNABIS - any cannabis product or by product.

3. What do you mean by "Agricultural product sold or grown?" 

To qualify for an Agricultural Burn Permit, you must have an ag operation in which you derive an income from.  If you don’t, you may still qualify for a Backyard Burn Permit, please contact the APCD office at 805-781-5912.