Develop a Clean Air Room in your home, click here.
We want you to be prepared if wildfire smoke is in our sky. Below are links to helpful resources on our website related to wildfire smoke - learn how to protect your health and home from the harmful effects of wildfire smoke and be prepared and understand where to get the most accurate up to date information.
California Smoke Spotter App (by CA Air Resources Board) -
download on Apple download on Google Play
Health Recommendations for Schools & Outdoor Activities During Air Quality Events, click here. Fire and Smoke Map, click here.
Understanding how to use the Fire and Smoke Map (by Placer County APCD), click here.
See what forecast zone your home is in, click here.
Wildfire smoke tips and how to protect your health, click here.
Worker and Safety Health in Wildfire Regions (CAL OSHA), click here.
Sign up for AirAware Text Notification sign up, click here.
Understanding the AQI and the difference between current conditions and forecasts, click here.
Department of Industrial Relations - Protecting Outdoor Workers Exposed to Smoke from Wildfires information, click here.
If you smell smoke or see ash fall:
Air District officials recommend that if you smell smoke or see ash, take precautions, and use common sense to reduce your exposure to smoke. All adults and children should:
- Head indoors and remain indoors, if possible
- Avoid strenuous outdoor activity
- Close all windows and doors that lead outside to prevent bringing additional smoke inside
Wildfire Ash Clean Up Tips:
- Do NOT use leaf blowers.
- Do NOT allow children to play in the ash.
- Wait until conditions improve to clean up ash.
- Use a damp cloth and spray areas lightly with water, direct the ash-filled water to the ground areas, and away from the runoff system.
- Take your vehicle to the car wash and wash toys that have been outside in the ash.
- Due to its corrosive nature, avoid skin contact with the ash by wearing gloves and long-sleeved shirts.
- Please note, if you have existing heart or lung conditions, avoid doing ash clean-up yourself or anything else that stirs the particles back up into the air.