Burn Day Status

Feb 19. Burn Permits Required.





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Backyard Burning



New for the 2024-2025 burn season, APCD will issue both APCD Backyard burn and CAL FIRE's LE-62a burn permits simultaneously - no need to apply in two places. For more information, contact us at 805-781-5912.

Burn Day Hotline 1-800-834-2876

Backyard Burning in San Luis Obispo County: When Burn Season is open, burning is allowed in some rural areas of San Luis Obispo County by permit only on Permissive Burn Days. Burn Season typically begins (weather permitting) in late fall and runs through the end of April.

  • Backyard burning is the burning of green waste material and requires both an APCD permit and a permit from CAL FIRE. 
  • Backyard burning is permitted only for occupants of one- and two-family dwellings located outside of Urban Reserve Line (URL) or Village Reserve Line (VRL) areas, and on a designated Permissive Burn Day.
  • Backyard burning is prohibited within the city limits and URL or VRL communities. See interactive map here.
  • Atascadero and Arroyo Grande administer their own backyard burn programs. Please contact the City of Atascadero and City of Arroyo Grande for more information.
  • All residential open burning of cannabis waste is prohibited.
  • We encourage those that have held burn permits within the last two years to renew online this season. 
  • Alternatives to backyard burning may be available.

APCD Backyard Burn Permits

There are three ways to currently obtain a backyard burn permit during Burn Season:

1)  Online Permit Application Renewal (Online Renewal)

  • For individuals who held a backyard burn permit within the past two burn seasons; your previous burn permit number or Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) will be required to complete this process.
  • Go to e-pay to renew your backyard burn permit and process credit card payment. Process fees apply to credit card transactions. 
  • This site will serve as your "Application" as we have your information from previous burn seasons, no need to complete another Application.
  • After payment of the fee, please allow a minimum of five (5) business days for the APCD to issue your Burn Permit and send it to you via email or U.S. Mail if an email address is not provided or is illegible. 

2)  NEW Online Application Forms (New Online Application) - This option is ONLY for brand NEW applicants, if you previously held a permit, go to option #1. 

  • Follow the prompts to complete the online burn permit application form. 
  • Call the APCD Office at 805-781-5912 to pay the $50.00 fee over the phone or mail in a check (please include your burn address in the memo of your check) to:

    San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District
    3433 Roberto Court
    San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

3)  Paper Application Form (locations available)

  • Pick up a paper burn permit application form from SLO County APCD Location. 
  • Click here for locations burn permits are distributed.
  • Complete all sections and sign the Application for Backyard Burning.
  • Enclose a $50.00 check.
  • Mail or hand deliver the form and permit fee to:

      San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District
      3433 Roberto Court
      San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

  • If paying by mail, only checks are accepted. If paying in person, we accept check, cash or credit card (small processing fee). 
  • After receiving a valid application and payment, the APCD will then issue a Burn Permit.

Please note that Backyard Burn Permits are not available at local CAL FIRE stations.


APCD Requirements

Rule 501 prohibits backyard burning of green waste material in developed areas of San Luis Obispo County.  As a result, parcels within the San Luis Obispo County Urban and Village Reserve Lines (URL/VRL) areas listed below are ineligible for backyard burn permits

Arroyo Grande * Garden Farms Nipomo
Atascadero * Heritage Ranch Morro Bay
Avila Beach San Luis Obispo Oceano
Black Lake San Simeon Acres Paso Robles
Cambria Santa Margarita Templeton
Cayucos San Miguel Whitley Gardens
Creston Shandon Woodlands
Edna / Los Ranchos Jardine  

* Please contact the Fire Departments of City of Atascadero and City of Arroyo Grande for information on their special fire hazard burn programs

To confirm whether a property is eligible for a backyard burn permit, please use the map below. Areas within red boundaries are ineligible. 


Burn Season and Permissive Burn Days

Backyard Burn Season is announced by CAL FIRE. The start of the season depends on rainfall; its usually runs from late fall through April 30 of the following year. 

The following restrictions apply for Backyard Burning:

  • Burning may only be conducted on a PERMISSIVE BURN DAY at the indicated burn site. Please call the Burn Day Hotline at 1-800-834-2876 or visit the APCD website for the current burn day status.
    Burn day forecasting for all burning is a two-zone system (Coastal and Inland) to provide accurate forecasts. View the Burn Zone Map here.
  • All green waste materials must be completely dry and free of trash or dirt.
  • Green waste must originate on the property where burning occurs.
  • It is ILLEGAL to burn the following materials:

    RUBBER - tires, fabric, sponge, etc.
    PLASTIC - drip tape, containers, objects, floor covering, synthetic fibers, etc.
    HYDROCARBONS – diesel, oil, grease, solvent, paint, or items heavily coated with these.
    LUMBER or CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS – dimensional lumber whether treated or not, plywood, etc.
    TAR or CREOSOTE - impregnated paper, shingles, roofing materials, wood, etc.
    CANNABIS WASTE – any cannabis waste or byproduct
    TRIMMINGS -Lawn clippings, piled leaves and piles of pine needles
  • Burning may occur only between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
  • Burn piles cannot be larger than 4 feet high by 6 feet diameter.
  • Burn piles must have adequate clearance from neighboring property (50 feet), structures (30 feet) and combustible materials (15 ft).
  • Burn permits may be revoked in instances when burns cause a smoke or ash nuisance and/or complaints.
  • If you live near a "smoke sensitive site" such as a school, nursing home or park, you must take extra care to eliminate potential smoke and ash impacts from your burn.

Contact us if you have questions on where and when you can burn.


The APCD is continuing our efforts to develop effective alternatives to assist residents and communities in managing their green waste materials without burning. Alternatives include backyard composting, community chipping and composting programs, and green waste curbside pickup. 

Contact us for more information on this topic.